About Me

Dana writes songs and sings her ass off fronting the soulful, rocking Dana Fuchs Band, based in NYC. Dana and her band are currently on tour all over Europe and the USA in support of her new critically acclaimed album, "Broken Down Acoustic Sessions." Dana also stars as the rock singer "Sadie" in Julie Taymor's film "Across The Universe."

Thursday, February 02, 2006


..from the rooftops of Manhattan! (and they haven't. For days.)

Thanks to all of you who have been checking in and requesting more journals. Last week was a blur of more woods scenes. I've now been to Tarrytown, Harriman and Catona) Frolicking about with my castmates and tons of extras (our "Pranksters") to get the footage we'll need for some of the films bigger and wackier scenes to come later.

New location this week (NYC!) and still going round the clock with enough time to get home, shower, feed and go to bed. Finally starting to get used to the 5 am pick-ups. I wake up at 4:45, stumble to the street, get into my van or car (usually not knowing where I'm even going on any given day) and am taken to my trailer. Which Rocks. Couch, frig, and a better TV/DVD/stereo system than my own at home.

I listen to NPR waiting for my omelet to be delivered, sipping the coffee I've brought in my giant Thermos. By the time my motor skills are functioning enough to eat, I'm seated in the make-up trailer. A world in and of itself. The Make-up trailer starts bustling around 4am. By the time I arrive the music's going, the coffee's brewing and Santa's little elves are working their magic. Since we're shooting many of the later scenes first, everyone (except me) gets hair, hair and more hair. Sideburns, afro's, long bangs, extensions, etc. Julie has made it clear that "Sadie's" hair just stays "wild and unruly" throughout the film. (what's she trying to say)? So, I'm easy. This leaves me a little extra time to chat with the cameral man (who I just found out shot "Amelie" among many other films that have been touted for their "beautiful cinematography--lucky me). I'm smart enough to know that HE's the guy you want to befriend. So befriend I have. A quiet and serious Frenchman. Of course I've already gotten straight to the important questions like: "Does the camera really add 10 pounds? Do I look "stocky" in the purple pants? Am I giant looking compared to the rest of the cast?" And so on. With his heavy French accent and wonderful smile he responds: "Madame, what is this "sssstocky"? I say, "you know, thick." He now replies with twisted, puzzled face (stuttering on the "th" sound): "ThhhhICK"????? I say: "Yeah; "bigger, rounder". He says: "Dah NA"! You look, ah (contemplative pause)... Tall." An even bigger grin spreads over his face.

He then assures me that only amateurs can make you look 10lbs bigger and that I have nothing to worry about! (I now LOVE this man). So I leave him to enjoy his coffee. Relieved. (hey, I meant me, but I know what you're all thinking!)

I'm then taken to the rooftop of the ABC Carpet Building in Union Square. Wow, what a view. What a set up!

As I walk down the street from my trailer, surrounded by the Walkie Talkie people, it's 8am and NYC is waking up. I feel like I'm in a movie already as I hear my own voice blasting around the block and I'm making my way through civilians who are staring at the girl with big red hair, way too much make-up, tons of jewelry and SUPER tight jeans. I find myself wanting to sing along with my track (out loud) so they know that it's me they're hearing and that I'm doing something special and important right now and that I'm not just some hooker or madam being shuffled off to jail by FBI!

[In fact, I snuck away at lunch to do a little voice over for MTV and the cab driver told me I looked like a "Beautiful Mafia Queen." I decided I'd better not tell this to the director OR our famous wardrobe guy - Who by the way is Albert Wolsky - the man who's done 70 major films and has received many Oscars. He did "Grease"!! I don't think he got an Oscar for that one though). I also decided to change next time I leave for lunch.]

We spend the day(s) shooting my rooftop performance of "Don't Let Me Down" as well as mine and the gang's version of "All You Need Is Love". All sorts of things are happening in the film at this point. Crucial love things which I can't give away.

Sorry. All I have to say is you'll have to see the film. Our lead guy and girl, Jim Sturgess (Jude) and Evan Rachel Wood (Lucy), are devastating. I'm tearing as I type remembering each of them do this scene.

Tomorrow I'm back in the woods to shoot the "Circus" scene with Britain's own Eddie Izzard. If you haven't seen "Dressed To Kill," (Eddie's critically acclaimed standup performance done in San Francisco) you should rent it. Immediately. Eddie is "Mr. Kite." I can't f***ing wait!!!

We don't shoot with Bono until mid-October.

We don't do our nude scene until Julie gets the budget approval for "The Tank."

It's so exciting to know that I KNOW NOTHING as to what's really in store for me over the next few months.

And I don't dare try to think BEYOND that.


maria said...

Dana, just saw the movie and I thought you were incredible! Loved reading your blogs, especially your goings on with Bono. You are one very fortunate girl!!

Hillunder said...

Never in my lifetime would I ever have thought that another earthbound soul could reach down into that broken-hearted place in me the way Janis Joplin did four decades ago. I am astounded at the way Dana Fuchs can take an ordinary song, and turn it into a baptism of healing grittyness. Dana is simply astounding. There hasn't been anyone on earth like her for fourty years! She commands all of the soulful stylin' of Janis Joplin, without all the drug laced baggage. What a wonder this girl is! She will change the world of music within 6 years. Spread the word!